Mounded tombs of ancient Japan in Mozu city & Furuichi city, Osaka Prefecture

Where is Osaka Prefecture in Japan?

Osaka Prefecture faces the sea.

How the mounded tombs of ancient Japan look like?

There are 2 berial mound groups in 2 cities respectively. They are Mozu area and Furuichi area.

Mozu area

This shows Mozu area that has 21 burial mounds which are registered as World Heritage in Mozu city.

A mound in near side is the 3rd largest mound, it is said to be for the Emperor Richu, 17th emperor. A mound in back side is the largest mound, it is said to be for the Emperor Nintoku, 16th emperor.

This is the largest mound, it is said to be for the Emperor Nintoku, 16th emperor.

This is the 3rd largest mound, it is said to be for the Emperor Richu, 17th emperor.

Furuichi area

This shows Furuichi area that has 24 burial mounds which are registered as World Heritage in Furuichi city.

A mound in the back-side is for the Emperor Chuai, 14th Emperor, a mound in the left hand is for the 2nd largest one (425m) for the Emperor Ohjin, 15th Emperor, and a mound in the right hand is for the Empress Nakatsuhimenomikoto, the wife of the Emperor Ohjin.

If you have a closer look at it, it looks like a natural hill and a pond.

A promotion video in English is here.


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