Dejima, in Nagasaki Prefecture of Japan

Dejima was an island artifitially developed in Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki prefecture of Japan. Firstly, let us tell you about Nagasaki Prefecture of Japan.

Nagasaki Prefecture of Japan

Where is Nagasaki prefecture? Nagasaki prefecture is in the southern area, Kyushu island of Japan.

Nagasaki Prefecture of Kyushu island

Where is Nagasaki prefecture in Kyushu island? Nagasaki prefecture is in the North-West of Kyushu island. It consists of 971 islands!

Dejima of Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki Prefecture

Dejima is an island developed artifically in Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki prefecture. When Japan was closed from 1639 – 1853, international trading was done exceptionally in the island. This is far from Edo, current Tokyo.

How Dejima looked like at that time? Due to patent I cannot post it here. Please have a look at the pictures in another web-site. Dejima and a scinery with Nagasaki port & Dejima.

Dejima is no longer an island at present as the area was land-filled. However, the area is preserved and you can see how it looked when it was used for trading with foreign countries at Edo-era. The bridge called “Dejima Main Gate bridge” remains. It was a bridge connecting the main land of Nagasaki-city and Dejima.


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